My Little Mocha - A journey of motherhood with our first baby girl!

When your little one is born life becomes brand new because you feel as though you have never lived before; at least not like this. It is truly the most satisfying, amazing journey that just can't be topped. Every day I am with her is the best day of my life. I am so proud to be my babies momma. There is nothing like the smile from a baby when they first wake up in the morning or the joy you feel when they laugh.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

First birthday party!

(Invitation pictures taken by Daddy!)

First Outfit
As she first wakes up from her nap to discover everyone waiting to party!)

(Fishy balloons and lots of fun presents!)

(Yummy Dessert from Auntie Olivia, Mommy & of course Betty Crocker!)

(Turning one is so much fun!)

(She would walk around to show everyone her cards from her gifts!)

(You would think this present was for the parents!)

(Showing her card of to everyone in her second outfit change!)

(Daddy made sure she had lots of balloons to play with!)

A year ago my baby girl was born and in the blink of an eye here we are celebrating the first year of her life.'s her very 1st birthday party! What, I can't believe it! It's a moment of mixed emotions for me. I'm so excited to celebrate her first happy, healthy year of life and at the same time I begin to tear up and wonder where all the time went.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Her walking equals me running

As she leisurely walks around the entire house going from room to room I follow in hopes that I will catch her from bumping her head hard on a wall or some toy that is lying in the middle of the floor. Of course this task is simply impossible for the most part but still I try. She has been walking now for about a month and now I have to figure out new ways to keep an eye on her. She is into absolutely everything! Ahhh! Our house is only semi baby proofed so I've gotta watch her like a hawk. Don't want to jinx anything but only a few very minor falls so far.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Cutest owl cap for a baby

With fall weather just around the corner don't you think
this cap is just a whoot? Get a Camila the Owl for your precious newborn.
Kristin Staples Photography

Keep those loose teeth safe

Need to hold onto those ever so important teeth so you can cash in with the tooth fairy. Hannah Designs has solved your problem for you. This is an absolutly
priceless gift for a little girl or boy about to trade in those baby
teeth for the real thing. All you do is put your tooth in the
back pocket and it comes with instructions
on how to cash in with your very own fairy.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Love bird necklace for your lil bird

What a sweet little love bird necklace...what mom wouldn't love
to get this from her children.
Get yours at cuteablity.

It's that kind of woman that...

-Boards a flight from India with 4 young children after loosing her husband
-Risking all she knows for a better life for her children
-Worked two jobs day and night to provide for her family
-Raised 4 happy, healthy, well rounded children
-Perseverance and dedication for her kids

She mother in law...A TRUE woman that put her fears aside to do what was best for her family. Best of all she is....A MOTHER.
Motherhood is the most of everything all in one...a full time job. Every day defeating the impossible.