My Little Mocha - A journey of motherhood with our first baby girl!

When your little one is born life becomes brand new because you feel as though you have never lived before; at least not like this. It is truly the most satisfying, amazing journey that just can't be topped. Every day I am with her is the best day of my life. I am so proud to be my babies momma. There is nothing like the smile from a baby when they first wake up in the morning or the joy you feel when they laugh.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

We spend a lot of time in the car

Our car has evolved into a diaper changing station, clothing storage facility, and feeding mobile. I can't tell you how many parking lots I have either changed her diaper in or nursed her. I think I've just about hit all of them. I'm a little worried now that summer is coming, it's going to be much more difficult to do that with the heat.
I've come up with some techniques over time to make all of these tasks easier. For example, I have a travel bed in the car which I use all the time to lay down on the seat and change her diaper in. We have the plastic scented baggies conveniently located in the back of the seat along with a pack of wipes for those lovely diaper changes.

For feedings we got the back windows limo tinted so people cant see in as easily and it works like a charm. I have one of those apron cover ups but I really don't like using it because it makes everything much more challenging. If I'm sitting in the front seat to feed her I put up the sun shades in the front window, drape a blanket across the side window as well as the other side of me. This makes a little cubicle for privacy and allows for comfort during a feeding. If I'm sitting in the back seat to feed her I rely on my tinted windows, an emergency cover up blanket, and a blanket draped across the two front seats. It makes a partition just like the ones you would see in a limo. This way nobody can see what your up to. It has taken a lot of practice to find what works best but I think we have it figured out now.

Quick diaper change in my travel bed

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