My Little Mocha - A journey of motherhood with our first baby girl!

When your little one is born life becomes brand new because you feel as though you have never lived before; at least not like this. It is truly the most satisfying, amazing journey that just can't be topped. Every day I am with her is the best day of my life. I am so proud to be my babies momma. There is nothing like the smile from a baby when they first wake up in the morning or the joy you feel when they laugh.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Sweet little girls swimwear

Zebra from head to toe. Whether your little one is going on vacation to a beautiful far off island or just swimming in your backyard pool...this is so charming and well done. I would love to have this ensemble for my little lady. You can find it at Janie and Jack.

Common Core State Standards

I live in Sacramento and have been researching the curriculum change in the school systems from when I attended school, and things sure have changed a whole lot. You may have heard a lot of talk regarding the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and there is a lot of information out there about it. There is also a lot of controversy regarding the switch. Some parents are thrilled about it and they think it's a great change and others are not so sure. 
Log onto if you want to take a sample test. You can log in as a guest, choose the grade level and see how you might do on the test. Good luck, have fun and don't be surprised if it seems a bit challenging, we have been out of school a little while now.Bookmark and Share