My Little Mocha - A journey of motherhood with our first baby girl!

When your little one is born life becomes brand new because you feel as though you have never lived before; at least not like this. It is truly the most satisfying, amazing journey that just can't be topped. Every day I am with her is the best day of my life. I am so proud to be my babies momma. There is nothing like the smile from a baby when they first wake up in the morning or the joy you feel when they laugh.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

2nd Birthday party @ the park

Well, it's been 2 years since the joy of my life entered my world. Every day she truly amazes me and makes me smile from ear to ear. I really can't believe she has turned two already. I am so proud of her and look forward to all the milestones to come. We had a
wonderful birthday party with friends and family & I will never forget that day
because it was so special with her.