My Little Mocha - A journey of motherhood with our first baby girl!

When your little one is born life becomes brand new because you feel as though you have never lived before; at least not like this. It is truly the most satisfying, amazing journey that just can't be topped. Every day I am with her is the best day of my life. I am so proud to be my babies momma. There is nothing like the smile from a baby when they first wake up in the morning or the joy you feel when they laugh.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Summer the sun

Models...Looking good ladies. I might be slightly biased but I think
the little one in the middle is so adorable.

Just checking out all the vendors and the bikes.

Vroom...vroom...loving the race.

Smile from ear to ear.

So focused...enjoying all the bikes.

Who's sun glasses are they really? Mine or yours? Ha, ha too cute.

Super much fun. A couple of months ago we checked out the super bike races and they were so much fun. Let's just say we have a very excited new Super bike fan. I was surprised how she enjoyed it so much and wasn't afraid of the loud noises. Of course, that made Daddy really proud of his little girl. We also had to pose with the models too. From now on wherever we are and we hear a bike the first thing she says is "super bike."